"In real life people don't bother about being too subtle, Mrs. Oliver," said the superintendent. "They usually stick to arsenic because it's nice and handy to get hold of."
— "Cards on the Table", Agatha Christie
Every once in a while someone asks me if I read up a lot on poisons to come up with new ways of killing people. No, I don't. I stick to what's nice and handy to get hold of. I do this for a number of reasons:
First of all, I believe that most murders are done spontaneously, in the heat of passion, blind rage, or similar emotional storms, which means the killer uses what's at hand: hands, scarves, blunt instruments, knives, guns, bathtubs, the occasional pond or car or equivalent.
Secondly, I set most of my murders in a small town, so even if murder is premeditated, it's hard to get high-tech stuff to kill people with. Our local hardware store just doesn't carry the latest in James Bond type equipment. (On the other hand, our drugstores have needles right out there where anyone can get them any time without any prescription, which still amazes me.) Thus, antifreeze and ant killer are probably as high-tech as it gets. Usually, our murderers still just shoot them, pound them, or drown them.

So, in Laskin, South Dakota, people are shot, drowned, stabbed, smothered, strangled, run over, bludgeoned, and frozen to death. Poison is indeed arsenic or antifreeze, or the occasional overdose of prescription medication. Just call me an old-fashioned kind of girl. But don't get me wrong - if I can come up with something new, I will! :)

On the lighter side, my favorite line so far this year: "It's not my fault I'm in here. My baby mamma turned me in for dealing drugs because I cheated on her." I'm not sure whether he's living in the Land of the Unconscious or floating down the Mighty River of Denial, but I do know he's got a lot of company.