Today's article will interest both followers of American music
and true crime, an investigation into the hanging of a folk figure, Tom
Dooley, as researched and written by a descendent of parties involved.
John Fletcher and I began corresponding following an investigative
article I wrote about Tom Dooley titled (with a nod to Twin Peaks), "Who
Killed Laura Foster?" He was just beginning his research, which has
become a new book, The True Story of Tom Dooley, published by History
Press. It's a must for those interested in this legend.
Today, John shares the genealogy with us. Follow along with this tale
from yesteryear…
Leigh Lundin
John Edward Fletcher |
The Death of Laura Foster
by John Edward Fletcher
The Legend of Tom Dooley is an enduring mystery in
western North Carolina even a century and a half after the incident
occurred. Why is that the case? In part, the 1959 ballad hit by the
Kingston Trio, “Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley,” has helped to keep the
story alive.
However, an examination of the existing records of the
case raise many questions. For example, the original arrest record
names Thomas Dula, Ann Pauline Dula, Granville Dula, and Ann Pauline
Melton as the suspects in the disappearance of Laura Foster. The Court
records, in contrast, name Thomas Dula and Ann Melton as the defendants
and name Lotty Foster, Pauline Foster, and several others as material
witnesses for the Prosecution. Who were these individuals and what was
their relationship to the Murder of Laura Foster?
The murder Indictment charged only Tom Dula with Laura
Foster’s murder, but it also indicted Ann Melton as an accessory before
and after the fact. The “after the fact” charge was later dropped from
Ann Melton’s charges, and her trial was separated from Tom Dula’s
trial. This separation was made because if Tom were not guilty of the
murder, then there could be no valid charge against Ann Melton. But,
who were the other two suspects, Ann Pauline Dula and Granville Dula;
and, what was their involvement in the murder of Laura Foster?
Furthermore, who were the witnesses, Lotty foster and Pauline (or
“Perline”) Foster in the local vernacular?
A search of census records from 1850 to 1870 reveals a
curious result. Lotty Foster, Ann Melton’s mother, turns up as Carlotta
“Lotty” Triplett in some records, but as Lotty Foster in other records.
Her daughter, Anne, turns up as Angeline Pauline Triplett in some
records, but as Ann or Anne Foster in other records. The other Dulas,
mentioned in the arrest warrant, turn up as the children of Tom Dula’s
uncle Bennett J. Dula II. That is, Ann Pauline Dula, age 16 and her
brother, Granville Dula, age 13 appear in the 1860 Census. They are Tom
Dula’s first cousins as their father is Thomas P. Dula’s (Tom’s father)
brother. The question naturally arises, “Why are they never mentioned
again in court records?
A second unknown is the mysterious person, Pauline
(“Perline”) Foster who is not found in census or other records. She is
identified in the court records only as a young woman from Watauga
County who is a distant relative of Ann Melton. She reportedly came to
Wilkes County to visit her (unidentified) grandfather and to see the
local doctor to be treated for a venereal disease that she had
contracted in Watauga County. Looking for local work to pay for her
medical treatments, she was hired by the James Meltons to work for them
during the summer of 1866 while receiving medical treatments for her
disease. The Meltons were not aware that she was undergoing treatments
when they hired her.
The court records show that Tom Dula’s cousins, Ann
Pauline Dula and Granville Dula had nothing to do with the Laura Foster
murder, and the person who was arrested with Ann Pauline Melton was
actually Pauline Foster, not Pauline Dula, but why Granville Dula was
arrested has not been explained. Possibly, he was a suitor of Laura
Foster’s at the time of her disappearance.
Laura had many suitors, and was known locally to have
“round heels,” meaning she was easily moved onto her backside by her
suitors. Three of the persons named in the arrest warrant were
arrested, but provided alibis for the time that Laura disappeared, thus
were released as “not guilty”. The central question remains, “Who is
this Perline Foster and how is she involved in the murder case?”
A search of Watauga County records turns up two census
records in the years 1850 and 1870.
In 1850, a Levi F. Foster, age 25, is found with a
daughter Anna age 4. In the 1870 census, the same family is found but
is missing the daughter Anna. However, living next door to Levi is a
John Scott with wife Anna P. Scott, who is possibly the missing
daughter Ann Pauline Foster, age about 26. If ‘Perline’ Foster is a
distant relative of Ann Foster Melton, then the connection must be
through her Foster father. That means that the relationship of Levi
Leander Foster must be traced to Ann Foster Melton’s Foster family.
Levi Foster does not appear in the 1860 census of Watauga County;
however, a careful search of the 1860s tri-county censuses for the
first names, turns up a Levi F. Dula with exactly the same family
members as Levi Foster’s family in the 1850 census of Watauga County.
Living next door is the family of John ‘Jack’ Dula of Kings Creek,
Caldwell County, NC.
To make a very long genealogical story short, Levi Foster
turns out to be the illegitimate son of John ‘Jack’ Dula with a
daughter of Robert Foster and Mary Allison, also residents of King’s
Creek in Caldwell County. Robert Foster was the brother of Thomas Bell
Foster of Wilkes County and he was the father of Wilson Foster, Laura
Foster’s father, and Carlotta Foster, Ann Foster Melton’s mother. That
explains Pauline Foster’s relationship with Ann Melton.
In fact, Pauline turns out to be the fourth cousin of
both Ann Melton and Laura Foster. Also, Laura Foster is the first
cousin of Ann Foster Melton. John “Jack” Dula is the grandfather that
Pauline Foster is visiting there in Caldwell County, and also makes her
a second cousin of the defendant, Thomas Dula.
In 1860, the Levi Foster family are using the surname of
Dula, his father’s name and Ann Pauline Foster is actually known
locally as Ann Pauline Dula. That is why Wilson Foster named Ann
Pauline Foster as Ann Pauline Dula in the arrest warrant. That was the
name he knew her by when they were living near him in the 1860s. By
1866, her family had moved back to Watauga County, but she returned to
Wilkes for medical treatments. These relations also explain why Perline
knew and was fond of Tom Dula; she was his second cousin, and probably
knew both him and Laura Foster well from the time she lived near them
while growing up in Caldwell County.
That brings us back to “Lotty” Foster, aka Carlotta
Foster Triplett. The 1860 records list her as Lotty Triplett, with her
three children, Pinkney Andrew Triplett, Angleine Pauline Triplett, and
Thomas Triplett. Why are they listed with the Triplett name if all her
children were illegitimate as other authors have written? A detailed
genealogical search of the Thomas Bell Foster family lists the first
name of her husband as ‘Francis’, but no last name is given. One easily
then surmises that his surname must have been Francis Triplett.
Who was Francis Triplett? A detailed search of period
records does not reveal anyone by that name. However, there is a clue
in Carlotta Triplett’s census records from 1850. She is living in the
household Of James and Nancey Brookshire Brown, who are in their 70s.
Why is she living with them? It turns out the Browns have two
daughters, Nancey Brown and Adeline Minerva Brown. The first daughter,
Nancey, was married to a Martin Triplett in 1820. The second daughter,
Adeline, was married to Bennet J. Dula II, and they were the parents of
Ann Pauline Dula and Granville Dula.
Martin Triplett was divorced from Nancey Brown by 1822,
but they had two children, a daughter Irene and a son. After the
divorce, the son remained with his father and a stepmother Mary
Winifred Hall, the daughter of Thomas Hall and Judith Dula. The
daughter remained with her mother after the divorce. The son, Francis
Triplett, married Carlotta Foster about 1839-40 and he fathered, at
least, the first three of Carlotta’s children. By 1850, Francis is
absent from their household, and Carlotta with her three children, are
living with her mother-in-law’s parents. In other words, her children’s
What happened to Francis is unknown. One might speculate
that he left for the 1849 Gold Rush and may not have returned. Sometime
after that, about 1859, Carlotta Foster Triplett changed her and her
children’s surname to Foster, her maiden name. Exactly why she did this
is unknown, but it must have had something to do with her husband’s
disappearance. Thus, we now know why Lottie Foster, Pauline Foster, and
Ann Foster Melton each had two different surnames. Carlotta’s children,
at least the first three, were not illegitimate as is popularly
believed, and Ann Pauline Dula who was named in Wilson Foster’s arrest
warrant was actually Levi Foster’s daughter, Ann Pauline Foster.
Perline Foster, the principal Witness for the
Prosecution, may not have been of high moral character, but her
objective during the summer of 1866 was to be cured of her venereal
disease so she could complete her marriage bond with her fiancé,
John Scott. For that reason, she was not a paramour of Tom Dula, who
was her second cousin, and was not a romantic rival with Ann Melton and
Laura Foster and others for Tom’s romantic attentions. She did not
transmit her disease to Tom Dula, who in turn, passed it on to Ann
Melton. That disease transmission became the primary motive for the
murder of Laura Foster. The evidence is that Laura was, in fact, the
source of Tom’s infection.

Pauline Foster may have slanted her testimony during the
trials to protect Tom Dula and to implicate Ann Melton. Pauline
certainly had no love for Ann Melton who had treated her quite badly
during the summer of 1866. However, others testified that her testimony
was very consistent during both Tom Dula’s trials. She implicated Tom
and Ann Melton in the events leading up to the disappearance of Laura
Foster and to the subsequent discovery of her burial site. Her
testimony coupled with the other circumstantial evidence clearly
defined Tom Dula as the likely murderer and that Ann Melton was fully
engaged in its planning and the instigation of Tom Dula to commit the
Tom’s final heroic act was to take sole responsibility
for the murder of Laura Foster and to absolve Ann Melton from her
involvement. Because of his final written confession, the Wilkes County
Jury had little choice, but to set her free.
Angeline Pauline Triplett Foster Melton lived another
seven years after her final trial. She bore a second daughter, Ida V.
Melton, in 1871 with her husband James Melton. She died a very painful
death in about 1875 from internal injuries received in a buggy
accident. Justice was apparently finally served.