Showing posts with label Velma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Velma. Show all posts

05 April 2019

Crime Scene Comix Case 2019-04-003, Slot Plot

After rummaging through the dust bin of Future Thought channel of YouTube, I bet you’ll enjoy this little gem. Check it out.
Reintroducing Shifty, a none-too-bright crook who looks like a Minion in zebra stripes. This time he tries his hand at gambling. As W.C. Fields might say, “A game of chance? Not the way I play it.”



That’s crime cinema. Hope you enjoyed the show. Be sure to visit Future Thought channel on YouTube.

22 February 2019

Crime Scene Comix Case 2019-02-002, Subway Robbery

We visit the Future Thought channel of YouTube. Check it out. Meanwhile, take a two-minute bite out of crime.

Remember Shifty, the none-too-bright crook who looks like a Minion in zebra stripes? He returns, trying his hand at purse-snatching. As before, Shifty’s half-a-quart low and a stripped cog from success.



That’s crime cinema. Hope you enjoyed the show.

01 February 2019

Crime Scene Comix Case 2019-01-001, SleepWalker

Sometimes crime turns funny, especially when dumb criminals are involved. Sometimes creative minds view crime in skewed ways. Today, experience two minutes of mad mayhem.

Meet Shifty, a none-too-bright crook who looks like a Minion in zebra stripes. Although he always wears a mask and prisoner jersey, no member of the public pays him the least attention.

Shifty can be found in the Future Thought channel of YouTube– please visit. Here's an example of Shifty in, er, action.



How's that for Crime Time cinema? Hope you enjoyed the show.

23 March 2014

How Writers Write

by Leigh Lundin

More than one author admits to writing in bed, flat on one's back, some in pajamas, others stark naked. While admitting nothing, my thanks goes to a loyal reader who sent me the following by Australian filmmaker and cartoonist, Ethan Waghorn, who uses the internet name 'Atrumentis'.

Time for Bed © Ethan Waghorn
© Ethan Waghorn

Atrumentis' work appears on and his web site, (Images are the property of the artist and are therein internally hotlinked.)