Images of Film Noir
I didn't know I was doing film noir, I thought
they were detective stories with low lighting!
--Marie Windsor, noir icon
Murder, My Sweet |
I thought I’d do something a little different for my post this week. Instead of writing about this or that I thought I’d make it visual. Images from film noir. Images that inspire much, though not all of my work. And I don’t think I’m alone. I think a lot of us have been inspired one way or another by film noir and much of noir is its visual look.
The film noir aesthetic is full of iconic images – some might call them tropes. Either way, they’re striking, they affect us, and they hit us on a subconscious level. Iconic images of shadows, rain, fog, neon, darkness and night, dark streets and alleys, Venetian blinds, oblique angles and reflections, low key lighting, guys with gats, femme fatales and plenty of cigarettes, smoke and smoking. They’re mostly urban, though one of the best, Out of the Past, is largely rural. And, of course, pretty much all are in striking black and white.
I’ve broken the images up into various categories. Of course, one pic might fit into several categories and pretty much all have low key lighting, so there’s no category for that.
It’s hard to narrow down all the great images to a reasonable number for a blog, and I’m sure I’ve left out some good ones. But here goes. And feel free to add your own choices in the comments. I don’t think you can put pictures in but you can tell us about them and the movies they’re from.
Oblique Angles and Striking Images
Touch of Evil |
Shadows, Reflections and Venetian Blinds
The Killers |
Crack-Up |
Double Indemnity |
Fear in the Night |
He Walked by Night |
The Maltese Falcon |
The Narrow Margin |
The Narrow Margin |
Pitfall |
Somewhere in the Night |
The Crooked Way |
The Woman in the Window |
Fog and Rain
Scarlet Street |
The Blue Dahlia |
The Postman Always Rings Twice |
The Maltese Falcon |
Out of the Past |
Out of the Past |
Pitfall |
Streets, Alleys and Neon
Act of Violence |
Act of Violence |
Act of Violence |
The Blue Dahlia |
Born to Kill |
Criss Cross |
The Crooked Way |
Cry Danger |
Cry Danger |
Dark Passage |
Dark Passage |
D.O.A. |
Kiss Me, Deadly |
The Lady from Shanghai |
People, Femme Fatales and Guys with Gats
Gun Crazy |
Crack-Up |
Scarlet Street |
The Big Sleep |
Born to Kill |
D.O.A. |
Dead Reckoning |
Detour |
D.O.A. |
Double Indemnity |
Double Indemnity |
The Postman Always Rings Twice |
I Walk Alone |
The Blue Dahlia |
Laura |
The Big Sleep |
Out of the Past |
Out of the Past |
Out of the Past |
The Strange Love of Martha Ivers |
The Crooked Way |
Too Late for Tears |
In a Lonely Place and Detour |
Lobby Cards, Title Cards, Posters
The author as a boy with gat, lucky rabbit's foot and the
shadow of noir over him.
And now for the usual BSP:
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