Alberta, Canada’s Darlene
Poier is no stranger to SleuthSayers readers and writers. Both Leigh Lundin and I wrote about her several years ago when John Floyd, Leigh, and I had stories published in the
same issue of her magazine Pages of
Stories. Recently I interviewed
Darlene about her new magazine, Ficta Fabula, which includes include my story "Positive Proof" in this issue.
What is your mission statement for Ficta Fabula?
Darlene Poier, Publisher of Ficta Fabula
a great question. It’s good to know what a business stands for. Our mission
statement at Pages Of Stories, Inc. is “To inspire creativity and imagination
by providing high quality reading entertainment for people all over the world.”
I truly believe that too many people just concentrate on making it through the
day unscathed. We don’t seem to get very many opportunities to use our
imaginations and be creative and ultimately have fun. Short stories provide a
great 10 – 15 minute break where the reader has no responsibilities and can
just sit back, relax and let the words on the page create pictures in their
Do you publish stories in all
genres? If so, what is the most common
in the magazine? If not, what genres are
not acceptable?
accept all genres of fiction and it seems that crime and mystery lend
themselves to making excellent short stories. Romance and dramas are also right
up there with good tales.
What is the most frequent weakness
that prevents acceptance of a story?
that’s the million dollar question. Each magazine has its own set of standards
and requirements. I’d like to emphasize that when we turn down a story, it’s
not really a rejection but more of a statement that it’s not the right story
for the magazine at that time. I strongly encourage each author to keep
shopping their story around. If it’s a well constructed and compelling story a
magazine will pick it up.
for Ficta Fabula and its predecessor Pages Of Stories, well, it’s tricky. We
want stories that appeal to the mainstream public and as a result I’m very
fortunate to have the assistance of a story selection committee. There is no
one thing that I could pinpoint. Sometimes it’s the plot that doesn’t work for
this market, sometimes it’s incomplete character development, and sometimes
it’s too many loose ends in the story.
Editor Laura:
Final acceptance decisions are made by Darlene but from my point of view,
weaknesses that cause a story to be rejected—and involve too much editing
time—include proofreading and typographical errors, disappointing or unfinished
endings, or weak storytelling skills. Stories that work unfold on the page and
draw readers in, and connect with them on an emotional level; too many authors
rush through the vital elements of setting and character development and the
story suffers for it.
are the word requirements for Ficta
Fabula stories, both minimum and maximum? Can you tell us how, or perhaps
why, you determined the limits?
The minimum word limit
is 1,000 words. I like to give our readers stories that have more detail in
them so that when they are enjoying this escape in their day, they can really
dig into it.
has a new editor, Laura Crowe. Please
tell us about her.
and I first met when she submitted a story to Ficta Fabula’s predecessor, Pages
Of Stories. She is a talented author in her own right and has done an awesome
job editing FF. I’ll let her tell you the rest..
Laura Crowe, Editor of Ficta Fabula |
I am a writer, editor, teacher, and owner of Imagine It In Writing. My short
stories and articles have appeared in numerous Canadian magazines including Pages Of Stories, The Prairie Journal, Every
Day Fiction, and Horizons. My
first book, Take Flight: True Stories of
How Dreams Shape Our Lives, is a unique collection of true short stories
contributed by thirteen authors that I edited and compiled.
Besides writing, I love
working with authors one-on-one as an editor, specializing in fiction and
memoir. I also offer mentoring programs, and am available for speaking about
the writing and editing process, doing readings of my work, and teaching
writing classes.
When not writing, I'm
usually in my piano studio, or outside on my deck with a cup of coffee and a
great book. I live in Alberta with my husband, two daughters, and two
quarter-Siamese cats.
Back to Darlene: When will the next issue of Ficta Fabula be available and how can
readers obtain it both electronically and in print.
FF is no longer available electronically but I’m working hard to bring it back.
The next printed issue is available this month. If anyone would like to order this awesome magazine (said completely objectively!)
containing the work of the most talented authors surrounding the globe, then
just send me an email at
tell us a little about you personally such as who's in your immediate family,
where you live, and what do you enjoy in addition to publishing?
a little about me. I’ve been married to Gary for nearly 20 years and we have no
children but two gorgeous critters. Kayla is an awesome 14 year old canine
companion. She’s our little girl with a fantastic and funny personality.
Persephone is a wonderfully cuddly feline friend. (I’m a fan of alliteration).
She’s a 3 ½ year old long haired beauty. She’s a bit of a stinker in the middle
of the night but in all the time we’ve had her, we’ve never heard her hiss at
anyone or anything.
live in a little town just north of Calgary, Alberta where we are blessed with
mountain views and prairie sky.
addition to publishing? What else is there? Gary and I are big fans
of warm tropical locations and go down to the Caribbean just about every
spring. Gary is a huge football fan and I love old movies and when the weather
permits I like to spend time in my garden. We love to travel and this year
we’re determined to see more of the natural beauty that is all around us. I
also enjoy giving back. Both Kayla and Persephone were adopted from animal
shelters so we work to give to them. As well, the YWCA women’s shelter program
is dear to my heart and I participate in a fundraiser every year (if interested
the link to my fundraising page, it is: Beyond
these activities and working at a day job outside of publishing – that makes
for a pretty busy time.
did you select the name Ficta Fabula for this magazine and
what are your plans (or dreams) for your publishing company, Pages of Stories, Inc.?
the name came with the help of Google Translate and roughly translated from
Latin it means fiction story. I’d been playing around with different titles in
different languages and when ficta fabula showed up in the window I knew it was
a winner.
planning on Pages Of Stories, Publishing being the provider of the best fiction
to our readers out there. Our special ABBA issue is the start of what I hope
will be an annual magazine of special issues. I’d like to start publishing
novels and novellas in 2015 and we’ve just launched Fabulous Fiction Fridays
where everyone who registers can enjoy a short story direct to their inbox
every Friday. I also want Pages Of Stories Publishing to be the publisher of
choice for many authors. I sense much of the frustration with other publishing
companies and I’m determined that we’ll operate differently. It’s no easy thing
for an author to submit their work to a complete stranger for evaluation and I
want people to know that we respect and appreciate that effort. Laura and I are
collaborating on a book for authors with tips and suggestions about preparing
novels and other stories before submitting to a publisher and how to best go
about submitting it for the best results. Down the road we’d also like to offer
workshops and retreats. We also want to offer more value to the discerning
reader. Soon we’ll be announcing something special for them off the Pages Of
Stories website. I believe that collecting good fiction and sending it out into
the world will bring a smile to someone’s face at some point in the day. If
we’ve made someone’s day better, then we’ve achieved something special.

Is there anything else you'd like to say?
Darlene: Happy reading.
Fran: Ditto