24 December 2022

Not Even a Mouse!
If Santa doesn't bring smiles, this might...

 Merry Night Before Christmas Everyone!

Several readers (thank you!) have asked about my previous life as a writer of comedy.  My humour is goodnatured rather than biting (I was called the Carol Burnett of Crime Writing not so long ago.)  I don't draw from those files often for Sleuthsayers, although maybe - in light of how serious our world has become - I should. 

To that end:  Thinking about The Night Before Christmas reminded me of mice, which reminded me of this monologue I used to do back in the day, which I have re-titled, 

Not Even a Mouse  (Merry Christmas, Everyone!)

I wanted to buy a new front door the other day.  This has become necessary because the old front door is no longer functioning as a door in the usual sense.  "Wind Tunnel" or "Interstate highway for neighbourhood field mice" might be a better description.

But as always, things have changed in the world of destruction and aggravation (aka construction and renovation.)  Apparently, you can't buy a door anymore. They don't make them, according to the sales clerk (excuse me..."Customer Service Associate.")  Apparently, you now buy an "Entry System."

"But I already have an entry system," I explained.  "The mice are entering all the time.  What I want is something to keep them out.  Like a door."

"Let me show you how this works," he offered.  He then demonstrated how to insert a key in the lock and turn the doorknob to activate the Entry System.  Not unlike my old door, in fact.  I pointed this out.

"But this is a great improvement," he argued.  "See?  It's Pre-hung."

'Pre-hung' - for construction illiterates - means you don't have to undo three hinges to slip the old door off and install the new door.  Instead, the new door already comes with a frame (and sometimes side windows) attached.  To install, you simply demolish the old door frame and rebuild the entire entranceway to fit the new pre-hung frame.  It requires three men and a boy, and at least two weeks of labour.  But you don't have to touch those pesky hinges, which makes this a big improvement.

Not surprisingly, Entry Systems cost a lot more than mere doors.  This, I pointed out, was not an improvement.

One more thing bothers me about all this fancy renaming business.  If they insist on calling doors 'Entry Systems,' just what will they end up calling toilets?  Exit Systems?

Melodie Campbell will be sitting by the tree waiting for Santa tonight.  The door will be open.



  1. LOL! Love it! Merry Christmas!!!!!

  2. Love this! As for the new toilets - biowaste conversion units, how's that? Merry Christmas!!!!

    1. Melodie here - Eve, I will remember that - BCU (Be seeing U? bye bye poop)

  3. Following the floods that followed the hurricanes that followed drought, locusts, and pestillence a couple of months ago, we have been swarmed by rats and mice. They're not like New York rodents, the size of Irish cops and rude, oh so rude. Florida mice and rats are polite and they leave deposits… so many deposits. They shout, "Hey Google! Open front door." They're so damn smart, they're proving a challenge to capture… or kill. I swear they attend how-to-avoid traps seminars.

    But part of the article confused me. Didn't you say Timothy Tenderheart in your junior high school class was pre-hung? Or am I unhinged? (Both may be true.)

  4. Leigh, you have me gasping/gaffawing! Unhinged, indeed. Not to mention, I obviously went to the wrong high school. Your second name isn't Tim, is it?


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