07 August 2022

Grammar Nazi

Even the best of us make grammatical mistakes although it’s difficult imagining Stephen Fry flubbing floating phraseology. He manages to educate without being overly pedantic. He doesn’t belittling lecture like grammar police.

TL;DR: If you’re in a mad rush, jump to the second video featuring grim Gestapo grilling, gore, and gunfire, but if you have 6½ minutes, the fabulous Fry makes an entertaining case for not being too… er, Fryish.

But what if Goebbels or Göring controlled the language? Imagine no more. A comedic critic has done exactly that. Picture The Producers language coach. So with apologies to Mel Brooks and almost everyone else (you may have to turn on sound in the lower right), we bring you:


  1. You have just made my entire weekend. Thank you.

  2. I admit a couple of nouns converted to verbs bug me, both starting with the letter G. I recently tried 'gifted' instead of given, but it still sounds awkward to my ear. Likewise, if 'hosted' is okay, why shouldn't 'guested' be allowed? But damn, it still sounds weird.


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