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Sherlock Ommmms |
The western medical community began picking up on these stress-reducing practices as an alternative to the drugs, booze, and all the other fun stuff we westerners use to to chill out. Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn was one of the first to do so and call it "mindfulness." "Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally," said Kabat-Zinn. "And then I sometimes add, in the service of self-understanding and wisdom."
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Basil Rathbone being iconic |
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Jeremy Brett being brilliant |
What is it about Holmes that still fascinates us? The knowledge, the reasoning, the braininess of Holmes is what most consider Holmes' primary traits. Fans of the detective know there's so much more. Holmes' imagination, his ability to be present and live utterly in the moment, his awareness of his own thought processes, his mindfulness, are perhaps his greatest and most impressive gifts.

Maria Konnikova first caught the Holmes bug when her father read Holmes stories to her when she was little. She eventually earned her Ph.D. in psychology from Columbia and has published extensively about science, yet she owns up to the role that reading fiction has played in her life: "I think the best psychologists are actually fiction writers. Their understanding of the human mind is so far beyond where we've been able to get with psychology as a science."
Mastermind presents the two different ways in which people use their brains. There is the Watson system, which is our default system. The Watson system makes all the mental errors that Watson, Lestrade, and the rest of the bumblers make in the Holmes stories. The Watson system jumps to incorrect conclusions, is influenced by appearances, and isn't really paying attention, either to the outside world or to it's own mental workings.
The Holmes system will have none of that. By dent of effort, it takes the Watson system offline and installs a new operating system in our consciousness. "Checklists, formulas, structured procedures: those are your best bet," Mastermind explains. Through practice, habit, and the pursuit of mindfulness, Mastermind claims that the Holmes system opens up a new world of thought: it forces us to be neutral in our observations; it cajoles us to be doubtful of first impressions and of our own minds; it commands us to be superior observers; it directs us to engage the world with all of our senses; it frees up our imaginations; it forbids multi-tasking and it demands focus on the job at hand. Be present, it shouts, like a teacher to a student drifting off in class.
Mastermind backs up its precepts with science, and it can be a little dry. Having said that, I think Doyle (and Holmes) wouldn't have had it any other way. Konnikova digs into the science, but there is never any doubt that her inspiration for Mastermind is the fiction of Doyle. I really enjoyed Mastermind when it uses the Holmes stories to illustrate a point.
In The Hound of the Baskervilles, Watson and Holmes take turns deducing the biographical details of Dr. James Mortimer by examining the absent doctor's walking stick. Watson makes his usual mistakes, and Holmes "embarks on his own logical tour de force." Holmes goes on to deduce much about Dr. Mortimer's background, age, habits, ambitions, and pet ownership.
According to Mastermind, this scene "brings together all of the elements of the scientific approach to thought that we've spent this book exploring and serves as a near-ideal jumping-off point for discussing how to bring the thought process together as whole." Some of the thought-practices Konnikova garners from this episode are: being aware of our environment; the value of thoughtful observation; and allowing the imagination, maybe the most powerful tool in our mental arsenal, to tangle with life's problems.
It wouldn't be fair to boil Mastermind down to only one mental habit, but if forced to the edge of the Reichenbach Falls, I'd say it's the same exercise that's at the heart of mindfulness. "Holmes' mental journeying goes by many names, but most commonly it is called meditation," Konnikova writes. "Holmes is neither monk nor yoga practitioner," Konnikova adds, "but he understands what meditation, in its essence, actually is–– a simple mental exercise to clear your mind."

I expect some eye rolls at this connection of Holmes and meditation, mindfulness, and anything that smacks of New Age mysticism. First I'd say that meditation has been moved out of the realms of eastern tradition and into medical practice by western science. Don't be put off if your MD prescribes a shot of meditation for what ills you, with a tai chi chaser.
The biggest complaint about Mastermind could be that it's taking Sherlock Holmes too seriously. Doyle conjured the stories while his medical practice was slow, and surely he meant them only as idle entertainment. An argument could be made otherwise. Holmes is, after all, largely based on Dr. Joseph Bell, a professor at The University of Edinburgh Medical School who Doyle assisted. Bell was a doctor, a scientist, a teacher, and Doyle's mentor.
Like Holmes, Dr. Bell is purported to have had the skill of being able to tell a person's job just by looking at him. Bell once said "...we teachers find it useful to show the student how much a trained use of the observation can discover in ordinary matters such as the previous history, nationality and occupation of a patient." Perhaps Doyle is using Bell, a brilliant teacher, to create his own fictional teacher. After all, in A Study in Scarlet, Holmes did write a magazine article on his methods for the public edification. He even gave it the rather self-important title "The Book of Life."
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Maria Konnikova calls your bluff |
After Mastermind, Konnikova wrote The Confidence Game (2016). In it she discusses the history of con artists and the reasons why people can be so easily duped. It's a great resource for crime writers, and a kind of sequel to Mastermind and its mindfulness techniques. Though continuing to write, Konnikova is now a professional poker player. Considering her interests in Holmes, that should scare anyone with a handful of cards and secrets to hide.
Lawrence Maddox and Samuel Gailey waiting to read at LA's Noir at the Bar |
Larry, I’ve been planning to read Maria Konnikova’s Confidence Game for ages, or at least since it came out a couple years ago, but it’s one of those things I haven’t gotten around to yet. On the list… But I’m not familiar with Mastermind. That sounds intriguing, too. It’ll also go on the list. Hopefully I can get to them one of these days. Thanks for the heads up.
ReplyDeleteAnd how could I not comment on a post that mentions one of my favorite songs, Victoria, from one of my favorite bands (Kinks), from one of my favorite Kinks albums (Arthur)?
You've made Mastermind sound really interesting. A nice thought that we can still learn something from great fictional characters.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your feedback!
ReplyDeletePaul-Yep, love that album. The Kinks are so very underrated.
Janice-Agreed. I often find fictional characters more inspiring than real ones!
Fascinating stuff. I had never heard of that book (Mastermind, I mean, not Hound of the Baskervilles.)
ReplyDeleteBy the way, ARTHUR, by the Kinks, is one of the great rock albums of all time. VicTOReeuh!
"You see, but you do not observe", Holmes tells Watson about (I believe) the number of steps leading up to their rooms. And much else. I never thought about it as mindfulness before.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to check out Konnikova's "Mastermind".
Even little kids know about Sherlock Holmes. My daughter said, "No shit, Sherlock" to me when she was in about the third grade.
ReplyDeletePeople see what they expect to see, or what interests them, & not much else.
Great book review. I grew up across the street from a library and my mother used the librarians as my baby sitters. By age ten through fourteen I'd consumed the Doyle books and still consider them my favorites. Five years ago I discovered Kabat-Zinn and listen to his tapes almost daily. An hours mindfulness every day is so very helpful. (My favorite tee-shirt quote. Mindfulness. It's not what you think.)
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for your comments!
ReplyDeleteRob-I thought you were a folk-ster?
Eve-Konnikova has an interesting take on the counting steps episode. Personally, I think Watson deserves more praise for not snapping and punching Holmes right in the nose.
Elizabeth-Kids love Holmes! My 9-yr old has discovered Holmes stories on audio and is hooked.
Peter-Thanks for the kind words. Love the T-Shirt! As another Holmes fan since youth, I feel Mastermind is the book about Holmes I've been waiting years to read. It sounds right up your alley as well.
Porter Lansing-Apologies! I mis-wrote your name in the above response. No more wine for me while writing my comments.