12 February 2019

Agatha Award short-story finalists for this year

Given that I am swamped with work, I've decided to take the easy way out this week and write something short for you. But never fear. I'm a short-story writer, so brevity is my friend.
Allow me to introduce the finalists for this year's Agatha Award in the short-story category, all of whom know how to make every word count. I'm pleased to be one of the nominees, along with my friend and fellow SleuthSayer Art Taylor, and the three other finalists, all of whom I'm also proud to call my friends. So without further ado, the finalists and their stories. Each title is a link to that story, for your reading pleasure.

  • Leslie Budewitz. Her story "All God's Sparrows" was published in the May/June 2018 issue of Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine.  

  • Barb Goffman. (Yep, that's me.) My story "Bug Appetit" was published in the November/December 2018 issue of Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine.

Attendees of the Malice Domestic mystery convention will be able to vote for their favorite story during the convention this May. In the meanwhile, happy reading! See you in three weeks.


  1. Congratulations, Barb! And everyone. Good luck!

  2. It's a funny story- best of luck!

  3. Thanks for posting, Barb! Pleased to be part of the finalist slate here!

  4. Congratulations, Barb! And thanks for the links.

  5. Thanks, everyone! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story, Janice. And Art, you are very welcome. :)

  6. Thanks, Barb! I'm delighted to be part of the It Crowd. And your story is a hoot! (No surprise there.)

  7. Congrats, Barb, and to all the others.

  8. Congratulations to you Barb! And to all the finalists!

  9. Good luck to all the nominees! I’m rooting for a five-way tie!

  10. Thanks for stopping by, Leslie. I'm delighted to be nominated alongside you this year. I so admire people who can write historicals successfully. The farthest back I've ever gone is 1962.

    And thanks, Rob, Lawrence, and Josh. I hope you enjoy all the stories.

  11. Oh, God, I hate you all so...so, so good! I'm still crying from the last one--the Mary story (yeah, I read from the bottom up, story my life). Thank you. It should be a tie for all of you. (But I have doubts about eggs surviving a wagon ride on even a flat dirt road and horses take a lot of water.) Lynn Marron lynn@lynnmarron.com

  12. It's always nice to inspire emotion, Lynn. I'm glad you enjoyed the stories.


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