Persistence means trying repeatedly to reach a goal through the same method, figuring eventually you'll succeed. Tenacity means trying to reach a goal through varying methods, learning from each failure and trying different approaches. For anyone with goals for 2019, tenacity seems the better approach.

I have a friend (and editing client) who used to be a pantser. But she found that after finishing every draft, she had so many loose ends to address and problems to fix, it took her much longer to revise than she'd like. So she started forcing herself to plot before she began writing each book. Not detailed outlines, but she figures out who kills whom, how, and why, what her subplot will be (again, just the basics), and what her theme is. These changes in her approach have enabled her to be so much more productive. She writes faster now, and she needs less time for revision. That's tenacity in action.
Moving on to a finished product, how do you react to rejection? If you have a rejected short story, for instance, after you finish cursing the universe, do you find another venue and send that story out immediately? Or do you re-read it and look for ways to improve it? And if a story has been rejected several times (there's no shame here; we've all been there), do you keep sending it out anyway or put it in a drawer to let it cool off for a few months or years until perhaps the market has changed or your skills have improved?
If sending a story out a few times without revising after each rejection usually results in a sale for you, great. Then your persistence works, and it means you have more time for other projects. But if it doesn't, if you find yourself sending a story out a dozen times without success, then perhaps you should consider a new approach. After a story is rejected, say, three times, maybe you should give it a hard look and see how it can be changed. Maybe you should let it sit in a drawer for a while first, so when you review it, you'll have a fresh take.
And if you're getting a lot of rejections, perhaps it's time to re-evaluate your markets or what you write. I know some writers who started their careers writing science fiction, but it turned out that they were much better suited to writing mysteries. Once they let their true selves out on the page, they started making sales. I know a writer who's been working on a novel for years, but she can't seem to finish it. Yet she's had a lot of success with short stories. If she were to decide to only write short stories and let the novel lie fallow, that wouldn't be a failure; it would be tenacity in action: finding what works for her.
I was about to write that the one thing you shouldn't do is give up, but there might be value in letting go. If your goal is to write a novel or short story, but you never seem to finish your project, and the mere thought of working on it feels like drudgery instead of joy, then maybe being a professional writer isn't for you. There's no shame in that. Not every person is suited to every task. When I was a kid I loved swimming, but I was never going to make a swim team. I wasn't fast enough. Maybe with a lot of practice and other changes I could have gotten there, but I didn't want to take those steps. And that's okay. I enjoyed swimming for the fun of it, and that was enough for me. Maybe writing for yourself, without the pressure of getting to write "The End," is what gives you joy. If so, more power to you. And maybe it turns out you don't want to finish that book or story you started writing. That's okay too, even if you did tell everyone that you were writing it. You're allowed to try things and stop if it turns out they aren't the right fit for you.
But if you believe writing is the right fit, yet your writing isn't as productive as you want it to be, or your sales aren't as good as you want them to be, then be tenacious. Evaluate your approaches to getting writing done, to editing your work, to seeking publication. Maybe you need to revise how you're doing things. Are you writing in the morning but are more alert in the evening? Change when you write. Is your work typically ready to be sent out into the world as soon as you finish? If you get a lot of rejections, maybe it's not. Maybe you need to force yourself to let your work sit for a while after you finish, so you can review it again with fresh eyes before you start submitting. Do you have a contract, but your books aren't selling as well as you'd like? Perhaps you should find someone you trust who can try to help you improve. No matter how successful you are, there's always something new to learn. The key is to figure out what works for you and keep doing it, and also figure out what isn't working for you and change it.
That, my fellow writers, is my advice for 2019. Be tenacious. Evaluate what you want, and evaluate your methods for getting there. If your methods aren't working, change them. And if in six months your new methods aren't working, change them again. Work hard. Work smart. And be sure to enjoy yourself along the way, because if you're not enjoying writing, why bother doing it?

Sound advice for the new year, Barb! Happiness and success in 2019!
ReplyDeleteLots of great advice here, Barb. I think both tenacity and perseverance help. I've come across a lot of people over the years who want to be writers, but many of them don't have either trait and end up just being all talk. But, of course, they have the greatest idea in the world that will make millions. They'll split those millions with me if I write their idea up....
ReplyDeleteGreat advice, Barb! Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteGreat advice! Happy New Year to all!
ReplyDeleteRe tenacity/persistence, I remember the immortal words of Anthony Trollope, who said the secret of writing was to put a lump of cobbler's wax on your chair and sit on it. Every day. I try.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by. Happy new year, Josh, Paul, Heather, and Eve!
ReplyDeletePaul, how about you share your great idea with me and I'll share my mine with you? We'll write each other's stories, and we'll both be rich!
I once heard Barb give this advise as a panel member at our local chapter event. She said it more succinctly with these words, "Sit your butt in the chair and write!"
ReplyDeleteEd McBain also had a version of "Sit your butt in the chair and write!" He was considerably earthier in expression. Earthy or polite, the message is clear: sit---or stand, of you prefer---and write. Barb, thanks for the fresh supply of stories. The Case of the Missing Pot Roast is so Nancy Drew!
ReplyDeleteGreat advice, Barb. I would imagine your friend/client who now plots probably creates much tighter stories.
ReplyDeleteA legend goes that the beloved editor of a mystery magazine was asked by a world-famous novelist why she never published one of his short stories. Beloved editor replied, "I shall once you send me one good enough."
Happy New Year, Barb.
Thanks for commenting, Bill, Maggie, and Leigh. And good luck with your writing this year.