by Brian Thornton
(Today I'm interviewing Bainbridge Island's own Jim Thomsen. A former newspaperman and current freelance writer/editor, Jim recently did a stint as a bookseller and assistant events manager at Eagle Harbor Book Company. He came away from the experience with a new understanding of the importance of book store events for authors, and some innovative ideas about ways in which authors can leverage these events to help build brand and leverage sales. Jim is a frequent guest contributor to this blog, including his most piece, celebrating decades of distinctly Seattle-centric crime fiction, which can be found here.)
Let’s talk about your unique experience within the publishing industry first. Can you walk readers not familiar with your work through what kind of work you’ve done so far?
Let’s talk about your unique experience within the publishing industry first. Can you walk readers not familiar with your work through what kind of work you’ve done so far?
I work as an independent manuscript editor, doing
developmental and line-editing work. I've done contract and one-off work with
publishing houses before, but I prefer working directly with authors, who
generally fall into two camps: 1) self-publishers; and 2) authors under
contract who don't trust the quality of the editing they get from their
publishing house. I prefer to be a free agent, to give my clients my best
advice without constraints, and usually work for publishing houses is defined
as much by what you aren't allowed to do as what you are. I've worked with a
few hundred clients since starting full-time in 2010, just ahead of the end of
my 25-year career as a newspaper editor.
Most recently, I worked for just shy of seven months as a
bookseller and assistant events manager at my hometown bookstore, Eagle Harbor
Book Company on Bainbridge Island.
And you’ve attended your fair share of writing events
as both a guest speaker and as an audience member over the years. So how did
taking on this new role change your outlook on bookstore events?
I had a very one-sided view of what makes for a
successful author event at a bookstore, and probably an uniformed view of what
the bookstore is obligated to do vs. what the author is obligated to.
Much as naive authors think their publishing houses should arrange all their
publicity and promotion, so do they think that bookstores should do all their
heavy lifting for an event. Not so! In fact, that mindset is almost certainly a
recipe for failure, and that's a knock on the author, not the bookstore. Both
have their jobs to do, and they work best when they approach the job of getting
butts in the bookstore seats as a teamwork task. Before, I thought bookstores
made most of it happen. Now I know better.
Can you walk us through the process of preparing for
one of these events on the bookstore/event staff side?
My immediate boss at Eagle Harbor Book Co., Victoria
Irwin, is a stone pro at this job, and it was a pleasure to follow how she did
her thing. Sometimes an author or an author's publicist approached us;
sometimes we looked through upcoming author-tour announcements in online trade
publications and thought, "Hey, this author's book has a lot of buzz, and
she's going to be in the area during a time when we have some openings on our
calendar, and we think our readers will like the subject matter, so let's make
our interest known and hope for the best."
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Jeff Benedict |
Anyway, once we agree to a calendar date with an author,
we really go to work. We decide how many copies of the book to order, and order
them, which is a fine art in itself — trying to gauge customer interest in an
event. Over-ordering, especially with independently published books outside the
Ingram ecosystem, can be risky because returns aren't guaranteed and we have to
depend on the good faith of the author in a consignment arrangement.
Then, we hit all the publicity bases: We put the event in
our website calendar and our monthly newsletter. We post about the event on our
Instagram, Twitter and Facebook sites. We write press releases and send them to
local media — not just news outlets but anybody who has a calendar/newsletter
and a vested general-community interest. We enter the event in the local online
calendars — in Eagle Harbor's case, the Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce
and the two newspapers that cover Bainbridge — the hometown Review and the
Kitsap Sun. We do a new round of social media posts, with links to interviews
the authors have done or reviews of their books on respected sites like
Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, Booklist, etc. Lather, rinse and repeat, all the way
up to the afternoon of the event. And of course, we talk the event up with our
customers, and do window and front-of-the-store signage and displays.
But we also check in with the author. Do they have local
friends? Are they promoting the event in person or via their online platforms?
Are they planning to bring enticements like baked treats? (Memo to authors:
Everybody loves baked treats. You cannot go wrong bringing goodies to your
Through all these factors, we get, hopefully, a ballpark
idea of how many people are going to show so we can clear the right amount of
event space in the middle of the store in a timely fashion.
That said, we often guess wrong. Think of the last party
you planned. My experience with party planning follows a weird
"rule": One-third of the people who say they'll show don't, and a
handful of people who gave you no indication they were going to come,
Much depends on weather. If it's too nice out, people
will stay home and garden or walk or bicycle or paddleboard or just laze on
their porch. If it's stormy out, people would other prefer to stay home and not
get wet.
The sweet spot, for us anyway: The local author with lost
of local friends who does their share of the promotional heavy lifting. Whether
they're self-published or New York-published doesn't matter as much as the fact
that they have a lot of church or work friends or neighbors or relatives who
wish them well and want to show their support. The event then takes on a kind
of happy-kaffeklatsch feel, which is fine with us.
There's some genre bias as well. For us, nonfiction books
with a niche interest do much better than fiction — we have a number of local
rock-star genre novelists whose best-seller statuses don't necessarily
translate into big bookstore crowds. The readers tend to bond more with the
books than the person who wrote them, is the best I can guess. Though we have
one Bainbridge novelist who's such an outsized, hilarious, charismatic presence
that we decided to "go big" for the recent launch of his latest
novel, and drew some 200 people for a party at a local community center. That's
more the exception than the rule, in my experience.
What we call "woo-woo" books draw good crowds.
There's a seemingly bottomless appetite in our community for books about spirituality,
metaphysics, healing, journeys through loss, etc. Activity-based books draw
good crowds, too — hiking, biking, beachcombing, cooking, kid stuff,
environmental stewardship, etc. Memoirists do well as well.
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Owen Laukkanen |
I was discouraged, and though Owen was a good sport about
it, I know he was disappointed as well. In his blog the next day, he wrote:
"I had a blast at every one of my events, but, man, it’s sure getting old
trading excuses and rationale for low numbers with sympathetic booksellers. If
it’s a sunny day, it’s too nice out to be in a bookstore. If it’s a rainy day,
it’s too miserable out to leave the house. Too hot. Too cold. Wrong time of
year. Or maybe I’m just not a very big draw." He concluded with
"Is it possible to feel discouraged without feeling the world owes me
anything more than it's given me?"
I can't say I blamed him much for feeling that way. I
felt the same too.
(BTW, that's not why I quit! I left to deal with family
matters, and put more time into my resurgent editing practice. And I left on
great terms with everyone.)
What do you think of the recent trend of authors
“teaming up,” and doing double signings?
It's rare that we have precisely those kinds of events.
Multi-author events at Eagle Harbor tend to fall into two categories. The first
is what I call the big-big events, like Independent Bookstore Day, in which
several Bainbridge Island authors served hour-long stints throughout the day as
"guest booksellers," chatting with customers and offering their
recommendations. Or Summer Bookfest, which we co-hosted with Seattle7Writers.
Nineteen Seattle-area authors for two hours of mingling and handselling.
The second kind of multi-author event is the "in
conversation with" event, in which we pair an out-of-town author with a
local author who writes in a similar genre or vein for an hour or so of Q&A
before turning it over to the audience. Those seem to work well, as we draw a
deeper pool of prospective attendees who may be fans of one author or the
author, and walk away fans of both.

A good, realistic view of book author events.
ReplyDeleteExcellent post, and it could have been written about me or dozens of other small indie writers. While it's hard dealing with some local bookstores, I keep telling myself they have to make money to survive, and I'm probably not going to be a major factor.
ReplyDeleteYour focus on the author's responsibilities is especially helpful. I'm doing a mass signing at a Barnes & Noble this weekend and I'm going to share this post with the other writers.
My co-writer and I had a great time at Eagle Harbor in presenting our nonfiction book, LIFE AFTER MANZANAR! It helped that the events coordinator had contacted the leader of the local Japanese American memorial group and we had a tour of the memorial beforehand. Also, my co-writer's friend, who lives on the island, spread the word to her neighborhood friends. We had a sweet and powerful time of conversation at the bookstore.
ReplyDeleteSince I write both nonfiction and mystery, I can see the lure and drawbacks of both genre. I do feel because of the current political climate of our nation, there seems to be more of a natural pull towards nonfiction. But people need their escapism and comfort, too. Not sure what kind the public wants right this moment. I'm sure that as in everything, these trends will cycle.
Terrific post and advice to remember! A question for Jim. Did the baked goods come from a local bakery on Bainbridge or Sly's in Poulsbo?