12 October 2017

Fun With Funerals!

As you know, this blog's birthday was yesterday, two days before my birthday, which is also International Talk Like a Pirate Day.  Aaar!   So, all these festive occasions having put me in a reflective mood, I have been consdiering what all of us have been talking about here.

And it seems to me that each of us has his or her own themes.  I see emphases on: true crimes current, true crimes historic, professional experience (as cops, soldiers, spies, psychologists, etc.), childhood memories, current family news, book reviews, favorite books, authors, or films, and of course writing techniques.

In any given week any one of us might write about any of those subjects, and do, but we each seem to have favorites.  I suspected I knew what mine was but I tested it out by tossing all my columns for the past two years into tagcrowd, which pulls out the fifty most commonly used words.  (Incidentally, I also use Tagcrowd on any piece I am about to send to an editor.  It helps me spot words I have overused.) 

created at TagCrowd.com

Which supports my theory: my main theme is the writing life.  I have been blogging here, mostly, about how it feels to get an idea, grind out a rough draft, edit, submit, get rejected, etc.  Here are a few examples, describing different parts of the process:

Restless Brain Syndrome
The Rising Island Method
Picking More Black Orchids 

My conclusion is that I use this space as a sort of writing diary and you good readers are my excuse for keeping it up.  I hope you don't mind.

And I hope that you will put up with me and my fellow bloggers for a long time.  Because they - and you - are good company.


  1. Eve, what a terrific piece. There must be a hundred story ideas in there for you. I especially love this line, "Hand in hand, courting and embalming..." Reminds me a little of the movie Only the Lonely with John Candy and Ally Sheedy.

  2. As good as any story!
    Relatives with old friends like these are a gold mine.

  3. Thanks, Paul and Janice. I always say that a crazy family - and neighbors - is a priceless gift for a writer!

  4. Man, at the very least there's a short story in there somewhere. Could be creepy Stephen King-ish. Could be light-hearted.

  5. Ha ha, I used to work as a pathology secretary & one of the pathologists offered to do an autopsy on me when the time came. I told him that would be fine as long as he makes sure I'm dead first.


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