23 April 2017

International Good Books • Great Writers Series

Last month, I talked about Alice and how buying from International GoodBooks (GoGoodBooks.com) donates to a humanitarian cause. From the land of Stephen Ross, the New Zealand Oxfam charity has created two other ads, one I’d seen before and another recommended by a reader (thanks ABA), I wasn’t aware of.
Whereas Alice was surreal, one of the others defines racy and the other esoteric noir. Let’s start with the dark esoteric and save the sexy one to wrap up.


This way lies madness…

An advanced education gone horribly wrong.

Havana Heat

This way lays… well…

Once your panting subsides, you know where to order your books.

Go ask Alice.


  1. Geez. I can't even get most delivery men to ring my bell.

  2. Those were fun, Leigh. Thanks!

  3. Thanks, Art. Glad you enjoyed them.

    Barb… (laughing) You mean ring your bell or ring your chimes?

    Thank you, Bonnie. They are fun, aren't they.

  4. Oh some one needs to do a private eye spot.
    And someone needs to copy edit these. But they are great.

  5. Great.Thank you so much for sharing this post.


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