On the other hand, the other fun thing you learn is that, underneath all that sameness, there are real differences.

Here's another puzzler:

(1) why were there so many limousine services in rural South Dakota?
(2) why didn't they spell it right?
Later I learned that a Limousin (outside of Sioux Falls) is a cow. French origin, from the Limousin, but all over the place up here, along with Angus, Shorthorn, Simmenthal, etc. And, of course, Limousin Service is about breeding. (Which sometimes happens in limousines, too, but we won't get into that.)
BTW, this is NOT a misspelling, but deliberate:

There are more than one of these signs along I-29 between Sioux Falls and Mitchell. Dick knows how to make you look. Betcha he gets a lot of calls, too.
BTW, this is why I regularly put characters asking stupid questions into my stories. God knows I've done it often enough.Thankfully, there are other ways to find out what's going on in a new area than running around asking crazy questions. For one thing, find out who's the biggest gossip in town and park yourself next to him at the Norseman's Bar or her down at the Laskin Cafe.
Another way is to read the local paper. And not just the local daily paper, but the local weekly paper, which services the whole county. We have one, called "The Peach". If you need field irrigation wells, farm & home wells, high capacity pumps; if you want to buy a limousin 2 year old bull or an Angus yearling; if you need retrenching or a ride to Branson to see Daniel O'Donnell; or any sort of job in the healthcare, farming, or hog confinement industry, the Peach is the place to go.
Did I mention barn straightening? Seed cleaning? Bean stubble baling?
Also pork loin feeds, and church suppers, all of which are other places where you can go and get fed while catching up on the news/gossip/weather report.
And then there are the Locals, where we find out what to do with our spare time:
- Dist. 8 Conservatives Luncheon
- Laskin Duplicate Bridge
- Arts Council
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Sr. Citizens Dance (hugely popular; if you're a guy who loves to dance, you will not sit down for longer than it takes to have a cup of coffee or a highball to pep you up for the next dance.)
- Christian Motorcyclists Association
- VFW Auxiliary Sunday Brunch - every Sunday, great pancakes, come on down!
- The Country Swingers (more dancing; get your mind out of the gutter)
Like what happened to the person who posted "Acres of good used hog equipment for sale"? What happened to THAT hog containment operation? And why does s/he say, "Save this ad"?
Or why is someone "looking for used mobile homes, 1995 or older, will pay CASH." Do they breed? Are they refurbished and sold as new? Or are they being shipped up to the Bakken for the man-camps?
Or the sale of "Positive Rain Gutters". (Watch out for negative rain gutters, they will leak and you.)

And speaking of auctions, we had a humdinger back in September. You remember the Gear Up! scandal, where, early in the morning of September 17, 2015, a fire destroyed the home of Scott and Nicole Westerhuis and their four children in Platte, South Dakota. Our Attorney General Marty Jackley determined that Scott Westerhuis shot his entire family, torched the house, and then shot himself, all because he was about to be caught for embezzling enough funds - and no one still knows how much - to build a $1.3 million rural home, a $900,000 gym complete with basketball court, etc., etc., etc., on a combined salary of $130,000.
Well, look to your right, folks. Yes, they auctioned off what stuff survived the fire that night. For a detailed look at what was on auction, read Cory Heidelberger's blog HERE.
As you might expect, the auction was a major topic of discussion around town. Many of us agreed that we would not be anxious to have any item from that property because we are almost all superstitious, and feel like the TVs might go on and off by themselves, or perhaps the desk roller chairs might start swiveling around in the middle of the night, like at, say 2:57 AM when someone used the Westerhuis landline to call Nicole Westerhuis' cell phone...
The land itself was sold at auction to the Platte Area Ministerial Association, who plan to open an interdenominational Christian camp there. Unfortunately, they only had the $37,000 down payment and are trying to raise the rest of the $370,000 bid. They've set up a GoFundMe page, which hopefully will work. (Although I can't but wonder if an exorcism might also help...)
And where did the funds that were raised go? To pay for the funerals; compensation for estate representatives and attorneys; a dozen credit card companies, banks, and workers. Meanwhile, Gear Up! will not be reimbursed nor, apparently, the State of South Dakota.
And speaking of Gear Up - Mid Central Educational Co-op Director Dan Guericke is accused of backdating contracts to avoid a government audit, plus sighing at least 17 illegally secret contracts on behalf of Mid Central worth $3.8 million. Where, oh, where did the money go? (see all of Angela Kennecke's report HERE.
Speaking of Guericke and Westerhuis, "Guericke spent more than an hour on the phone with Scott Westerhuis the evening before the tragedy and when the board questioned him about what was said, sources tell me that Guericke told them the two really didn't talk about much at all." Mm-hmm.
Did I mention that they STILL haven't found Scott Westerhuis safe?
Ah, South Dakota, where we talk like Mayberry, act like Goodfellas, and the crazy just keeps on coming.

Good stuff, Eve. I was laughing out loud at much of it.
ReplyDeleteBut I also agree with you that our society has become very homogenized in many ways. On the one hand, sometimes it's nice to go to a different area and eat at a McDonald's and know exactly what you're going to get. On the other it gets old seeing the same places everywhere and the towns and cities lose their individuality. But, as you say, under the surface each place still has its own specialness, like Limousins...that don't have bars and backseats :)
Your home state is certainly giving Florida a run for its money in the colorful characters stakes.
ReplyDeleteI was glad to know why the corn wasn't yet harvested!
Negative rain gutters? Funny. Question for you. Does anyone live in North Dakota? Way back in 1972, while a bunch of us soldiers were getting drunk in an army barracks in south Alabama because what else can you do on a Saturday night in an army barracks in south Alabama, one of the fellas declared, "You know, no one lives in North Dakota." We called directory assistance in North Dakota and the operator (who was in South Dakota) fed us numbers and we starting calling numbers in North Dakota and NO ONE ANSWERED. Each time, we didn't get an answer, we fell on the floor and convulsed with laughter, open another can of beer and got another phone number to call. We called over a dozen numbers, even numbers to police departments and NO ONE EVER ANSWERED. The topper came when we got the operator back on the line and told her what we were doing and she said there was a simple explanation. No one lives in North Dakota. They live in South Dakota, Montana and Minnesota and drive to work every day.
ReplyDeleteFun post! As always!
ReplyDeleteLove the post, Eve.
ReplyDeleteI have to comment on something Paul said: On the one hand, sometimes it's nice to go to a different area and eat at a McDonald's and know exactly what you're going to get.
Not true! You'd think it is, but it's not. Where I grew up, a standard McDonald's hamburger came with ketchup, onions, and pickles. When I went to college in the Midwest, imagine my surprise when a standard hamburger at McDonald's came with ketchup, onions, and MUSTARD. Talk about regional differences.
O'Neil - that's a great one! Actually, I have had people tell me that no one lives in South Dakota, too, so I just say, yep, I'm nobody!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Paul, Janice, and Art - I try to keep everybody entertained, and I'm so grateful that SD gives me so much to work with.
Gee, Eve, you make me nostalgic for the old homestead in Rapid City where we laughed at some of the politicians for the things they did.
ReplyDeleteO'Neil, when I lived in the Black Hills, we used to joke that South Dakota wasn't the end of the world, but you could see it from there. It was called North Dakota.
Eve, I was laughing so hard I almost forgot to ask you, what's the deal with Dick's Body Shop & the "toe" service?
ReplyDeleteWe live in Buffalo & when we first got here 12 years ago, there were no Trader Joe's, Sonic, 5 Guys Hamburgers, Popeye's Chicken, Little Caesar's ... now we have all of them & are supposed to get a Whole Foods real soon now.
It's cold enough here that the farmers just north of town *could* let the corn stay in the fields well past harvest season. But they don't. They harvest the crops, then cut the plants down to the ground & hold snowmobile races on the bare land!
Great post, Eve--lots of fun, and it brought back memories of my own years in South Dakota. It also made me remember the slogan David Letterman once proposed for North Dakota license plates: "North Dakota--It's a lot like South Dakota."
ReplyDeleteLiz, Dick's "Toe Service" is a towing service. Period. But he knows how to advertise!
ReplyDeleteThanks, B.K. and R.T. - and yes, when we're too depressed here in SD, we can look at ND, and say, well, at least we're not in Minot...
About 55 years ago, here in Wichita, a place called Fisher's Transmission paid somebody to install a brand-new sign on their business. They installed it---upside down! (It caught a lot of transmission and it is now their trademark!)
ReplyDeleteDon't know if you're related to these folks, Eve! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyRwiWh2uV0
ReplyDeleteGreat post and I was laughing throughout, North Dakota is just The Badlands. Only outlaws live there. We really liked South Dakota, Mount Rushmore, Black Hills, Crazy Horse Monument. While we traveled in our RV we had USPS mail box, car licenses, driver's licenses, insurance, etc. Since it is considered a rural state everything costs less than TX. I finally had to give up my SD driver and car licenses 5 years ago when I moved into a house and gave up my RV.
ReplyDeleteJeff, sadly, no we're not. But that's a hoot!