It was a subject I've talked about before but hers has a new take. Dealing with gaining a deeper understanding of your characters. She mentions something she uses in her writing classes and I've used it also.
Take your character on a field trip to the grocery story or perhaps a WalMart. The way your character responds can tell you a lot. Do they make out a list or do they just go up and down the aisle picking up what happens to catch their eye.
Does your character not only make out a grocery list? If the character is very organized, she may even plan a week or two of meals, that could make the list quite long.
Then how does the character dress? Just in typical jeans and t-shirt or sweats? Or does he or she dress in what might be called crazy laid-back attire? I've seen women in stores in long dresses and high heels as if they were going to a big party after leaving the store. To top it off, one lady wore her hair in rollers because she had to do the comb out in the car as she heads to the party. Okay, maybe you can believe her if she's buying a party tray or dip and chips. If not, then not so much.
Or how about the guy in pajamas? Flannel pajamas with very loose elastic at the waist so that the bottoms sag and you can see his butt crack. Do you feel like you need eye bleach?
Then there is the items your character buys. All junk food? Or all fruits and veggies? Perhaps it's a busty, fussy looking lady who buys Redi-Whip and when you turn the corner to the next aisle and there she is squirting the whipped cream in her mouth.
How about when he or she gets to the Express check-out line. Perhaps your character only has three items and is in a big hurry, he agitatedly sighs and you can tell he has a short temper on an equally short fuse. You just know he's going to explode any minute. There's a young mother in from of him with a ten month old baby in the baby seat of the grocery basket. The baby looks up at the man and lets out a huge laugh. It's the kind of laugh that no one can ignore.
The demeanor of the man changes immediately. A baby looked up laughed. Somehow the time frame slows and the man can't help smiling back. Now the baby is chuckling and so is the man who now looks at the person behind him in line. It's a older man with a bouquet of yellow roses. Obviously he's bought them to take home to his wife. Maybe it's their anniversary or her birthday. Your character smiles at the older gentleman and they both laugh at the baby again. At that moment, you know your character is actually a likable person although you originally thought he was a horrible stinker.
A little shopping trip with your character constantly in your mind can make a world of difference. It adds depth to your character and to your writing. No editor will come back at you and say your characters are two dimensional or wooden.
Okay class, that's all for today. Use if you need for your own work or as an aid in your role as a writing teacher.
Am sure you all have hear about the death of Nancy Reagan. I'm sure that now she can Rest In Peace.
Jan, your article reminded me of an encounter during the Christmas season at a Publix supermarket. My girlfriend and I were picking out a movie at the RedBox kiosk located next to the ladies’ restroom. A couple of women came to the door, found it locked, and turned away.
ReplyDeleteThe movie discussion and selection took a bit of time. Ten minutes later, the restroom door unlocked and a woman came out pushing a cart. She was carefully made up and wore inexpensive bracelets, a small hat from the 1950s and a coat unusually heavy for Florida. The cart she pushed was loaded not with groceries, but a suitcase and heavily stuffed garbage bags.
I believe that cart contained her worldly possessions, and she’d taken the time to wash up and make up in the restroom. As questions about her story flashed in my mind, I couldn’t help but be touched.