A week ago today, at Bouchercon, something happened that I'd been looking forward to for several years: I met fellow SleuthSayer Rob Lopresti for the first time. Rob was one of half a dozen writers at the former Criminal Brief mystery blog (Leigh Lundin was another) who invited me in 2007 to join their ranks, and since then Rob and I have swapped so many emails and read so many (hundreds) of each other's blog posts, it seemed as if I knew him already. But we'd never met face-to-face until last Saturday, when I caught him hurrying down a hallway in the conference hotel, carrying a sheaf of papers and looking appropriately librariany.
That, to me, is the most appealing thing about Bouchercon. It's a rare opportunity to not only make new friends in the literary world, but to put faces to familiar names that I've corresponded with or seen many times in bylines or on bookcovers. That's also the way I met Leigh (at the Baltimore B'con in 2008), and, over the years, most of the other Criminal Briefers and SleuthSayers as well.
At this year's conference in Raleigh, I was able to shake hands for the first time with e-friends Bonnie (B.K.) Stevens, Art Taylor, R.T. Lawton, Brendan DuBois, Paula Benson, Su Kopil, and others. And meeting a person in the flesh does make a difference. I doubt I'll exchange emails or Facebook messages with these folks any more often now than I used to, but when I do, it will somehow feel even more comfortable. I'll finally be able to picture them in my mind.
Other highlights of my trip to Raleigh included a delightful group lunch with members of the Short Mystery Fiction Society; an afternoon meeting with EQMM editor Janet Hutchings and Canadian writer Rob Brunet (who turned out to know my fellow SleuthSayer Melodie Campbell); a long and high-decibel bar conversation with Joe D'Agnese, his wife Denise Kiernan, Reavis Wortham, Tom Pluck, and John Gilstrap; pecan pie and ice cream with Strand editor Andrew Gulli and screenwriter David Rich (who will always be my hero for having written several episodes of MacGyver); and dinner with author and friend Josh Pachter. Josh, if you're reading this, I bought your book the following day and I still need you to autograph it for me.
I was also able to reconnect with several other editors and old buddies I'd met at previous conferences--Linda Landrigan, Terrie Moran, Cathy Pickens, Steve Hamilton, Bill Crider, Austin Camacho, Barb Goffman, and others (in that sense B'con always feels like old home week)--and to meet a number of writers and readers I'd never even spoken with before. And I should mention that the panels were, as usual, interesting and informative. My favorite was the panel of contributors to this year's Bouchercon anthology, Murder Under the Oaks. Several SleuthSayers and other friends were among the 21 authors, and Art Taylor did a great job of moderating.
All in all, my wife and I enjoyed our four days in Raleigh and our stay at the Marriott, and I even managed to sell some books via the conference bookstore and the great folks at Ontario's Scene of the Crime Books (thanks as always, Don and Jennifer Longmuir!). The only disconcerting thing about the whole trip was that the waitress who served the aforementioned pecan pie at the Mecca Restaurant one afternoon informed me and my two companions that we were eating pee-can pie. Pee can? My childhood home had fourteen pecan trees in the back yard, and I've been cracking and eating pecans since I was old enough to walk, and until last week I was convinced that all southerners called them pa-CONs (sort of like B'cons). For me, pee can has a whole different meaning, but our waitress insisted that that's the way Raleighites pronounce it. Live and learn.
One more thing about Bouchercons, in general. Unlike many mystery conferences, B'con is for fans as well as for writers. It's easy to lose sight of the fact that none of what we authors create would ever be published without readers to read it, and I'm always able to meet (and learn from) some of the huge number of mystery fans in attendance. They're quick to tell me what they like and what they don't and why they like it or not, and as writers we'd be crazy not to listen to those opinions.

By the way, Otto also said that next year will be his 41st Bouchercon. I've been to four, he's been to forty. But I'll tell you this: I have enjoyed each one more than the last.
I hope to see you in N.O.
John, it was a pleasure meeting you face-to-face in the Bouchercon anthology presentation room. We'll look forward to seeing you in New Orleans next year.
ReplyDeleteYou too, R.T. I was pleased to find that you in person are exactly as I expected you to be. (And that's usually the case--I guess we do get to know one another pretty well, online.) Wish we could've had more time to visit,
ReplyDeleteI think the New Orleans B'con will be even more fun that this year's conference. I've already heard from a lot of folks who plan to go to NOLA who were not able to make it to Raleigh.
Sounds like a lot of fun! Wish I'd been there! John, L. Sprague DeCamp (who lived in Texas) had some fun with the pronunciation of "pecan" in one of his stories (I think "Far Babylon" collected in "The Purple Pterodactyls"). DeCamp claimed he'd really had the conversation he replicated in the story.
ReplyDeleteI wish you could've been there too, Jeff--I remember meeting you at a B'con (Indianapolis, wasn't it?). You would've enjoyed this one--lots of our old e-friends there.
ReplyDeleteYou know, of course, that I will now have to locate that DeCamp story!
John, I had a wonderful time at Bouchercon, too, and there were many memorable moments. Finally shaking hands with you after so many years of online friendship was definitely one of the best. You were just as kind and open and unpretentious as I'd always imagined you to be. I don't know if I'll make it to New Orleans next year--it doesn't make much sense financially--but knowing you'll be there will be a major consideration.
ReplyDeleteHow kind of you, Bonnie! Meeting you was indeed special.
ReplyDeleteHey, none of my Bouchercon trips have made much sense financially--but they're always fun.
Keep up the great writing!
Meeting you in the flesh was a highlight for me, John. As you say, always great to see someone analog instead of digital. I'll be writing more about my Bocn Experience on Wednesday.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to it, Rob. I thoroughly enjoyed attending that Bouchercon anthology panel you and Bonnie and Art were on.