19 September 2014

When I Was Three

It's been three years now. To tell the truth, I never thought, even at the low rate of posting once every fortnight Friday, that I would last three years at this blogging thing. So far, I've talked about writing topics and about my writing successes, failures, how-to's and humorous outcomes. Sometimes, as novelist Raphael Sabatini said, you just gotta laugh at the world. I've told tales of the street, touched on some facets of law enforcement and dug up facts on peoples, customs and oddities out of various times in history. Don't know what you guys out there thought upon reading some of these bi-weekly contributions, but it's been fun on this end. It's also been great learning about all you guys and what you know.

SIDE NOTE: Yeah, I know there appears to be a male gender in the word guys if you happen to be thinking in terms of guys and dolls, but in my 1960's Webster's, definition 3, Colloquial, it says person, which is not gender specific, thus I mean all of you. Sure, I almost lost the argument in my 1974 Webster's, but that dictionary is a small paperback version. And, I get my genderless definition back in my giant 2002 Barnes & Noble Webster's Encyclopedia version which says in definition 2: a group of people regardless of gender. Hope we're all good with that one..

As for my tales of the street, don't take any of those as bragging when I mention events I played a part in. For our Sleuth Sayers blog, they are merely meant as entertainment for yourselves and as possible use for characters or events in the writing of your fiction. When these same types of tales are told among law enforcement personnel, this becomes a way of informal training having nothing to do with age, rank or length of service in the field. Everyone learns from the storyteller, which may mean a better chance of survival on the street. Every agent has different experiences during his career, thus his or her telling of these experiences gives fellow officers a chance to learn what worked under a certain set of circumstances, and maybe what didn't work out so well and could be done better the next time those circumstances happen to occur. Either way, it could be a lesson in life or a life lesson.

Photo by Puschinka 2009
It has been my great pleasure to rub shoulders with all you posters and readers on this blog site for the last three years, and to actually have been able to meet and converse with a few of you in person at writers conferences or other gatherings. Know that I look forward to your future postings and comments.

Happy 3rd Sleuth Sayers Birthday to all and a special thanks to Leigh, Rob and everybody else who keep this thing going..


  1. R.T., it's been a pleasure rubbing shoulders with you and the other SSers for three years. I really like the behind-the-scenes from the crime writers who have also been crime fighters. I second (or third, and more) appreciation to Leigh, Rob, John, and everyone else who's made it possible.

  2. I look forward to your posts, R.T., as I'm sure many, many others do. Thanks for the memories and I'm awfully glad that we're all still plugging away together. It's been fun!

  3. Re: guys. The word seems to have been a boon to waiters and waitresses in our part of the world, as in What'll you guys have?
    It's been a fun three years.

  4. Personally i would rather you call us all dolls. I love your street stories, which are often more exciting than my library stories.

  5. I always enjoy your posts, R.T. - keep 'em coming!

  6. Like the others, I look forward to your columns, R.T. And yes, it's been a fast and enjoyable three years.

  7. RT, I very much appreciate the stories you post. Furthermore, the professionalism of you and Dixon is a pleasure to work with. We're glad you're aboard.

  8. RT, I read every one. Always good!

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