23 March 2014

How Writers Write

by Leigh Lundin

More than one author admits to writing in bed, flat on one's back, some in pajamas, others stark naked. While admitting nothing, my thanks goes to a loyal reader who sent me the following by Australian filmmaker and cartoonist, Ethan Waghorn, who uses the internet name 'Atrumentis'.

Time for Bed © Ethan Waghorn
© Ethan Waghorn

Atrumentis' work appears on 9gag.com and his web site, ChewingFat.co. (Images are the property of the artist and are therein internally hotlinked.)


  1. Literally a LOL for me. Reminds me of my hubby. ;)

  2. A Broad Abroad23 March, 2014 10:41

    You've been peeking!

    Jokes aside, here’s to the speedy resolving of your internet problems.

  3. Liz, I think things percolate better in the horizontal!

    Thank you, ABA. I don't have a target date yet, but to paraphrase that famous French quotation, A day without internet is like a day without sunshine.

  4. A Broad Abroad23 March, 2014 12:00

    "A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." -Steve Martin

    [waaaay down here - laughing]

  5. (laughing) Touché!

    Or as they say in Florida, "Toosh!"

  6. Oh shit, you're not supposed to give out our secrets!

  7. That's great, Leigh. If I did that, though, I'd never get any sleep. And -- between the kids and cats -- I'd never find my laptop again! LOL

  8. Anon, we'll pretend it's your office.

    Dixon, I know what you mean. There has to be some separation between church and state, some distinction between work and play.

  9. Loved it! Oh, and as I get ideas in dreams, I sort of work in bed too!

  10. Jeff, ideas come to me all the time in dreams.


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