Christmas stories are not the sole province of Golden Age mystery authors. Our own Elizabeth Zelvin has contributed such a volume, to the holiday shelf Death Will Trim Your Tree. The temptation to offer up Yuletide tales is also apparent from the works of other modern popular authors. John Grisham has Skipping Christmas, and David Baldacci has The Christmas Train.
Christmas stories have also provided the backdrop for many memorable movie classics. Last year at this time of year I wrote of the many adaptations of my personal favorite, Dickens' A Christmas Carol, and our family’s Christmases usually are not complete without at least one screening of Irving Berlin’s 1954 musical White Christmas – this year my wife and I even attended the stage version at the Kennedy Center here in Washington – and we also always manage to find an evening to devote to National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.
My family has always celebrated the Yule on Christmas Eve – when my brother Graham and I were kids that was the evening Santa visited our home, just after dinner. The same was true when my own two sons, now well ensconced into their twenties, were kids. And now, with my immediate family having dwindled down to four (all adults), six including my brother and his wife, we gather at Graham and Nikki's restored Victorian home near the St. Louis botanical gardens each year for the holiday. We do all of the expected things – listen to carols, open presents, dine in front of the tree. But we have a darker side to our Christmases as well. When the presents have all been opened, and the room is a hopeless clutter of torn metallic papers and ribbons, we pour ourselves a couple stiff ones and turn on the TV in search of bad Christmas movies.
With on-line movies, YouTube and obscure DVDs readily available, finding almost any given movie is not that difficult. But finding the right one is not always an easy task. Not just any bad movie will do. Just as you can get too much of a good thing, it is even easier to get too much of a bad thing. What we search out each year are movies that, while failed, offer something camp; something so awful that it is funny but not so awful that it is unwatchable. We have been laughing “with” all evening; now it is time to laugh “at.”
Candidates for this year, together with some that have already been rejected, include the following:

Santa Claus aka Santa Claus versus the Devil This 1959 Mexican production has garnered several critics’ nomination for worst movie ever filmed. (An awesome feat – that means it defeated the horrible -- but non-Christmas -- Plan 9 from Outer Space, starring Bela Lugosi and his chiropractor, who filled in for Bela after he died in mid-filming.) Anyway, this Mexican entrant in the Christmas sweepstakes tells the story of Santa and his best friend Merlin the Magician who are off to thwart the Devil’s plan to kill Santa and, in the words of the film’s promo piece, “make all of the kids in the world do evil.” Apparently no one cares about copyright protection on this Christmas turkey either -- the whole film is a click away on YouTube. Score: sight unseen, but we will likely take a peak this Christmas. A candidate for a two and a half scotch watch. Also a film where one senses the remote should be kept handy just in case.

A Christmas Carol – the Musical Not to be confused with Albert Finney’s very passable 1970 musical Scrooge, this 2004 made-for-TV film stars Kelsey Grammer as Scrooge and has Jason Alexander playing Marley’s ghost. And – worse – the movie is not just a musical, it is virtually an opera – almost everything is sung. I mean everything. One reviewer summed up the film as follows: “Never in all my days have I ever seen such a turgid remake of what can only be described as one of the most heartwarming Christmas events.” Score: As noted, I’m a huge Christmas Carol fan (I even liked Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol, which, by the way, featured better music than this version.) I tried to watch this film when it aired in 2004 and turned it off within 10 minutes when it became evident that no one was going to (1) stop singing, or (2) sing adequately. Score: Unwatchable. Cannot be saved even by scotch.
An American Carol This 2008 film played in theaters for about a week. It is hard to classify it strictly as a Christmas movie since it takes the Dickens premise and then shifts the underlying holiday to July 4 and re-invents the story as one involving a liberal movie producer who, in all but name, is Michael Moore, and who has forgotten the meaning of patriotism. He is visited by three ghosts including (see above) Kelsey Grammer as General George Patton, a re-invented “ghost of Independence Days past.” If that were not enough, Leslie Nielsen, in one of his final films, appears as Osama Bin Laden. Film critic Sam Graham had this to say about the movie: “It’s been suggested that An American Carol wasn’t screened for reviewers prior to its theatrical release because the predominantly left-leaning critics would pan the film merely because of its conservative subject matter, thus torpedoing its box office potential .There’s some justification for that belief, but there’s another reason that certain films aren’t pre-screened: because they’re not good . . ..” Score: I have yet to watch this movie, but am likely to give it a try this Christmas. Having said this, I will be surprised if I get through more than 10 minutes. Three scotches and keep the remote well in hand.
The Star Wars Holiday Special Although not truly a “story,” this 1978 television special at least has a story-line that attempts to tie things together -- Chewbacca and Hans Solo visit Kashyyk, Chewbacca's home world, to celebrate “Life Day.” The special featured all of the actors from the original Star Wars trilogy and is universally (in a galaxy not that far away) judged to be one of the most horrible television programs ever aired. Some of the cast members have at times denied that the program even existed. George Lucas has spent a great deal of effort ensuring that it will never be re-broadcast. To quote Lucas, "if I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every copy of that show and smash it." In similar tone, David Hofstede, author of What Were They Thinking?: The 100 Dumbest Events in Television History, ranked the holiday special at number one, calling it "the worst two hours of television ever." While the show was never re-broadcast and never released on tape or DVD, if you want to see just how bad a film can be, there are original copies (recorded off the air in glorious VHS) that are available on YouTube. Full length versions are relentlessly blocked by "the Federation," but the smaller snippets persist. This one contains the first ten minutes, which, in truth, is all you need. Score: Unwatchable. But having said that, you should try just the first few minutes, scotch firmly in hand, to see how a group of talented people can come up with something this totally wrong-headed. Jaw dropping is the only response to the overly long and totally incomprehensible segment set in Chewbacca’s home near the beginning of the film. As actor and critic Ralph Garman observed, “it's so bad that it actually comes around to good again, but passes it right up.”
Happy Holidays!
Dale, thanks for lots of info. When my sons were young, we traditionally watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation as well as some more serious movies on Christmas Eve, waiting up to go to late night worship services. I believe all members of our family can quote every line along with the performers. I won't detail our other favorites, but you have given me ideas to add to our collection. I've never written a Christmas novel, but the publisher is asking will I have another next year, so I might just head in that direction. Happy holidays to you and your family!
ReplyDeleteYour devotion to awesomely bad Christmas movies must be commended.
ReplyDeleteHappy holidays!
ReplyDelete"A bedsore of a movie." Lovely. Reminds me of a review that appears in a Firesign Theatre recording: "The end of film."
"Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" runs second only to "The Queen of Outer Space" with Zza Zza Gabor as cheesiness in excelsis! Both make "Plan 9 From Outer Space" look like Orson Welles. And I've watched all of them. :)
ReplyDeleteBy the way -- a factoid that I missed when writing today's column. Precisely 50 years ago today, on December 18, 1962, Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol premiered on NBC. Can we all no join in in a rousing rendition of "Razzleberry Dressing?"
ReplyDeleteHilarious. Thanks for mentioning my "Death Will Trim Your Tree," which is in fact a short story in the Wolfmont Press 2009 anthology, THE GIFT OF MURDER. (Story still available online in a 99-cent e-edition.)I read the whole first page aloud to my husband on Sunday as he struggled with the lights. Not sure he appreciated it. The big craft challenge when I wrote it was to revise the first draft, which included several F words regarding those strings of lights, when I decided to submit it to a "family anthology."
ReplyDeleteHooray for 'Santy Claus'? The even spell it but can pronounce it. Then Wookie dialogue? Chewy's wife Mullah? You're a brave man, Dale Andrews.
ReplyDeleteSanta the pirate? Har, har, har. Pillage and plunder for the kids.
Plan 9: I wonder if Bela Lugosi died of embarrassment or if his chiropractor coveted the rôle so much he killed him off?
My wife is at this moment watching "A Carol Christmas" with Tori Spelling and William Shatner. Not a career booster movie. It would fit quite nicely on your list.
ReplyDeleteR.E. the Star Wars atrocity. I didn't see it, but I actually have a 45 that must be connected with it: "What Do You Give A Wookie When He Already Owns A Comb?"
ReplyDeleteI wonder if there was an "A Night In Heaven" Christmas special. No?
Well, an early Merry Christmas to you all!
Dale, you've got most of these pretty well nailed, but ...
ReplyDeleteThat musical Christmas Carol with Grammer does have Jane Krakowski as the Ghost of Christmas Past, in a costume that ...
.... look this is me, OK, and in that outfit I'd watch Ms. Krakowski read the Regional Transportation Authority charter in a Runic translation ...
... and a happy 29795 hatborsh to one and all!