I can't believe it's November already. We had that silly time change this morning at 2 AM. Did you get to church an hour early or get to the football game early. Oh yeah, I guess if you got to the Pro game early that was a good thing.
I can't believe it's November already. It's only hours until we will have a final vote and tally for a President. All I will say here is PLEASE vote. I voted early the other day which is the best way to do it. No line and it only took a few minutes. Thank goodness it's almost over, I'm sick of politics. I'm definitely sick of the negativity, the vitriolic words and the racist overtones from some people.
I can't believe it's November already and it's only two and a half weeks until Thanksgiving. Have you bought your turkey yet? Made out your menu? Invited all your in-laws and out-laws? Gosh, I haven't even taken down my Halloween decorations. And before I can turn around twice it will be time to put up the yuletide items.
I REALLY can't believe it's November already and it's only fifty-two days until Christmas. Yikes! Have you got any shopping done? I haven't but I'm not worried about it, I give money. One size fits all and the color is always right.
One thing I can admit is I love holidays and I hate holidays. I love seeing family and enjoying good food. But I hate trying to travel any distance and all the hoop-la that the stores and television bombard us with. I saw on facebook the other day that Nordstrom's say they won't put up any Christmas decorations until AFTER Thanksgiving. Way to go, Nordstrom's. Wish other stores would follow that example. I actually heard X-mas music in a store the other day and I thought, NOOOO! Not ready for X-mas music yet. Not even ready for November yet, but here it is. Rolling along.
I do want to bring a blog and interview to your attention. The Maine Crime Writers had a blog today that's an interview with an expert, Jayne Hitchcock, on cyberstalking and cyberbullying. This is a must read for all of us who use social media as much as we do and importantly it's important for our children and grandchildren. This is fantastic information. So head to www.mainecrimewriters.com
I don't know if any of our writers or readers were in the path of the storm. I hope if so, then hope that you are safe and warm. I do have writer friends who were without power for several days but are now electrified and warm and safe.
This is about all I know to write about today. Real life seems to take up a lot of my day...like vegging out on the sofa and watching Texas Longhorns yesterday and tonight Dallas Cowboys.
Take care all and keep writing and reading.
I second your Way to go, Nordstrom's comment.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I'll add a Shame on you, Walgreens! -- since my local Walgreens seems to have skipped straight from Halloween to Christmas. Sadly, I discovered this when shopping for Thanksgiving decorations with my youngest son, yesterday.
Congratulations Elizabeth Dearborn!
ReplyDeleteAnd congratulations Jan for bringing Jayne Hitchcock's article to our attention.
Perhaps where Nordstrom's leads others might follow. Otherwise it will be like the primaries, pushed back and farther and farther until it's ridiculous.
Jan, thanks for the link to the Maine interview. So far as Christmas decorations, they've been in stores here in SC for over a month already. Somehow, that's different from my friend who leaves his up all year because he "wants every day to be Christmas."
ReplyDeletethanks for the tip about the Maine Crime Writers- a good interview and a good site.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy Thanksgiving!